Since 1967 APG has listened to you the fisherman, to come up with the most efficient trawl door on the Australian market today. The Bison trawl door will save you around 15% on fuel costs, it can be trawled at optimum speed a lower engine RPM with maximum net spread with less drag enabling you the fisherman to cover more ground each night thus increasing you catch. The Bison door spreads your nets to maximum efficiency, which means you miss less product per shot. Due to superior design in the hydrodynamics, the Bison door has approximately 75% of the surface area of an equivalent wooden otter or V door and maintains its spread with the product in the cod-end. The Bison door is fabricated from steel and then HOT Dip Galvanized, this extended the lofe of the door and practically eliminates maintenance. The refurbishment of the Bison trawl door is a simple and inexpensive operation, they can be galvanized as often as you require, wear plates are easily replaced from APG and can be fitted using a hammer and shifting spanner.
Setting up the boards for your particular needs is an easy exercise, all towing parts are adjustable and doors can be fine-tuned to suit your trawl nets and vessel, additional weights are available on request, which shows you how to adjust an setup the boards to give maximum performance. APG Pty. Ltd. has the facilities to individually meet your requirements, whether to fulfil orders for new doors or refurbishments. The Bison trawl door was designed after extensive testing at the Australian Marine College using a scaled-down model of the doors and working with fisherman on their trawlers. The Bison trawl door comes in various sizes from Try doors up to 11’s and 12’s with such a large range to choose from we can cover all vessel /net combinations. At present, over 70 fishing companies are using Bison trawl doors, these include Raptis & Sons, New Fishing, Australian Tiger fisheries and many from overseas. Eg; Argenova SA from Argentina, Penwarden Holdings & Sanford Pty. Ltd for New Zealand.